All the students must possess school diary, text – books, notebooks, stationery etc.

Students must come in school uniform and they must be clean , neat and tidy.

Students are advised not to bring valuable articles to the school. The school will not be responsible for any such loss.

Application for leave must be submitted a day in advance. It should be counter signed by the parent / guardians of the students.

85 % Attendance is essential for promotion to the next higher class.

No leave is granted except on prior application from parents / guardians for genuine reasons.

Repeated absence without leave or unexplained leave or unexplained leave for ten consecutive days renders a student liable to have his/ her name struck off the rolls.

It is compulsory for a student to attend the school on the first day after Summer Vacation, Puja Vacations,Winter break and on all Saturdays.
Guidelines for Parents

Do collect your ward(s) within 20 minutes after the school hour gets over.

Pay the fees as per schedule.

Use the school diary as a means of communication with the class teacher and check the diary daily for home work & the teacher’s remarks, if any.

Sign the test copies/ papers as and when sent home.

Ensure that all the books and note books are covered with brown paper having a sticker.

Parents/ Guardian must attend the Parent – Teacher Meet.

Send the children regularly and punctually to school.

Please feel free to make any suggestions for betterment of the school. For that, kindly come personally or send a hand note to the school.

Do not send the child to school in case of an infectious disease .

Do not walk into the classroom or meet the teacher in the classroom . Please see the teacher with prior appointment through the Principal.

Do not visit the school in casual dress.

Do not provide Mobile, Pager, Motorbike etc to your wards.

Do not send the money or valuable articles with the students. The school will take no responsibility in case they are lost.

Kindly see off and receive your ward in time personally from the school or at the school-bus stops.

Kindly keep your ward away from querulous environment.

Kindly send balanced snacks for tiffin in the school and avoid junk food/ fast food.

Kindly send fruit items on Wednesday & Saturday.